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The drawings come about quite impulsively during the concerts in Linz and Wels, similar as in Action Painting. Some of these works were completed later whilst listening to a CD recording (e.g. the vocal scene „Che vuoi mio cor“).
I associate the inexorable burst of spring, am aware of light and flowing melodic shapes by the strings, delicate foundations by the forte piano. I try to identify with the dramatic qualities of the music and the gestures of the musicians, thereby experiencing the music’s resonance strongly physical. These musical experiences usually flow spontaneously and very emotionally into the graphic works. (Christa Moritz)

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Drawings during the projects “The Mozart of the 19th century” on 15 September 2015 at the International Bruckner Festival Linz
“Che vuoi mio cor – Mendelssohn’s Early Works” with Margot Oitzinger (Alto) on 25 September 2017, Civic Theatre Wels.